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  • Maggie Wilhelm

Manifest Abundance in Your Life

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

Learn to identify the connection between your Thoughts, Feelings, & Behaviors in order to #transform & #manifest your dreams.

The focus of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the connection between our thoughts, feelings, & behaviors, aka the Cognitive Triangle.

Notice Your Patterns

Have you ever noticed that when one bad thing happens, you get stuck in that #mindset & stay stagnant?

#CBT helps us understand how thoughts, internal judgments or misinterpretations in our #thoughts & how this exacerbates #emotions

A very common example: having a negative thought about yourself, “I am a failure.” This triggers feelings of sadness, disappointment, shame, guilt, anger, etc. You may then have “ineffective” behaviors (behaviors that typically aren’t good for you, helpful in your relationships or towards your goals) such as overeating, that extra glass (or two) of wine, snapping at your partner or kids, etc.

How it Interferes

This pattern becomes pervasive (with ourselves & others), & in how we deal with stressful situations. How many times have you abandoned your goals (health, fitness, career, relational, parental, etc.) out of negative thinking about yourself, your limiting beliefs, or your fears? This is where we get stuck.

Is it Helpful?

Any thought that makes you feel bad about yourself, your ability, your appearance, your #bodyimage your #worth or #value or your effort- is UNHELPFUL, & it’s got to go!

While it is beneficial to be realistic (knowing your strengths & weaknesses) It is not helpful for your self-worth or your mental health to live in this space.

Change the Pattern

Knowing the connection between your unhelpful thoughts, emotions, and ineffective behaviors can be life changing! You have the ability to change your thoughts, therefore helping you feel better emotionally & also changing your patterns to be more inline with your goals & values.

Just like the negative cycle that can be perpetuated with pessimistic thinking, you can manifest #optimism #growth #healing, confidence, & #abundance when you focus your thoughts on the positive. Some examples include practicing gratitude, reframing unhelpful thoughts/limiting beliefs (more on this in the blog "How you can turn failures into opportunities") & working towards your goals #onedayatatime (see a guide on this in the blog, "How to achieve your highest goals").

Start by asking yourself, "Is this helpful?" in reference to your thoughts or behaviors. If the answer is no, something needs to change!

Get Connected

Acting within our #goals & values leads to improved mental health, #wellness #selfempowerment & will increase your self-worth, confidence & empowerment ⁣💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿

I encourage you to explore your thoughts that trigger difficult emotions, unhealthy behaviors, & get in the way of you achieving your goals- these are the ones that hold you back, keep you stuck, or take you to a dark place. THOSE are the ones you have to change! My Serenity Program offers key insights, powerful how-to guides, & life-changing practices to transform your confidence. I also offer individualized therapy, #confidencecoaching or #empowermentcoaching

Visit my website: or join my listserv to begin your Empowerment Journey today:

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