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  • Maggie Wilhelm

3 Habits of Happy People

Updated: Aug 21, 2020

Looking for a simple method of increasing your mental health & wellness? Incorporate these 3 habits into your routine!

Depression & anxiety are very common mental health issues in day-to-day living, but in #pandemic they are on another level.

Common Mental Health Problems

A recent Census Bureau survey found that 1/3 Americans are reporting symptoms of depression or anxiety, more than 3x the rate from a similar survey conducted in the first half of 2019.

Because one of the best ways to fight coronavirus is through #socialdistancing we are experiencing high levels of loneliness, which can be deeply harmful to one's mental health, and exacerbate feelings of sadness or depression. How are you taking care of yourself through these challenges? Are you experiencing burnout, anxiety, or depression? Making a conscious effort in self-care is pivotal to our mental health. Remember these three simple habits to increase positive emotions, based on research from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

CBT says that the 3 components to wellness are:

❖ Human Connection

❖ Experiencing pleasure or joy

❖ Mastery or accomplishment of your #goals

Start Here

Set small, attainable goals in these areas every day to work towards wellness.

Get Inspired

How have you gotten creative with #Covid #Coping? Here are some ideas I've tried:

❖ Weekly phone or zoom chats with friends & family

❖ Virtual book club with @wise_wellness_guild

❖ New plants to liven my home/work environment

#treatyoself within your budget- my favorite is my new patio furniture

❖ Virtual workout classes with @breakthrufit to maintain physical & mental health

#yoga & #gratitude practice

❖ Purposeful fun- I’m rewatching #FRIENDS because it genuinely makes me laugh

❖ Scheduling time for connecting with #meaningful relationships that bring me joy

Can you commit right now to taking 20 minutes of #selfcare a day to fill YOUR cup? Learning to care for your own emotional needs is a pivotal step to #selfempowerment #mentalhealth #wellness & will increase your #selfworth #confidence & #empowerment .

Start by identifying the area of your wellness that is most void & in need of change. What is a #realistic and #attainable goal that you can set for yourself either on a daily or weekly basis to start implementing this change? The time is now, start today! If you are struggling to identify where to start or feel overwhelmed by the process, don’t hesitate to reach out for individual help. I offer Individual Therapy, as well as Empowerment and Confidence Coaching.

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